IEA SolarPACES Australia

Solar Thermal 2000

The 10th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies

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The Big Event

The symposium will be part of the larger "Energy for the New Millennium" conference, which will combine the following: You can download the first announcement here (9k in pdf format) or the final program here (123k in pdf format). More information on this event can also be obtained from our professional conference organising company  "The Meetings Manager".


Other Events

There are a large number of other international events that are run before and after the "Energy for the New Millennium" conference. Here is a list of some of them and links to pages with more information:
Dates Location Details and links
5-7 March 2000 Sydney IEA PVPS Task VII meetings (or via Task 7 link)
6-7 March 2000 Sydney IEA SolarPACES Executive Committee meetings
11-12 March 2000 Sydney/Canberra Solar Thermal, Wind & PV Site Visits
13-15 March 2000 Sydney IEA SolarPACES Task I, II, III Meetings
14-16 March 2000 Canberra IEA Hydrogen Program - Annex 14 Workshop & Forum
16-19 March 2000 Sydney IEA SHC Task XXX: Solar City 2000 Workshop
Draft agenda and background information for this event is also available here.

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