IEA SolarPACES Australia

An Industry based Consortium


Introduction | Consortium Members | SolarPACES International | Solar Thermal 2000 Symposium

IEA SolarPACES in Australia

The SolarPACES collaborative program in Australia is carried out by a consortium that started as a consortium of electric utilities. It has now been joined by the Australian National University's Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems (ACSES). The consortium heavily focuses on work towards the implementation and commercialisation of solar thermal technologies and the dissemination of information from overseas technologies in Australia.

Details of the consortium members are listed below:


Electricity Trust of South Australia (ETSA)


Pacific Power (PP)

Pacific Power


Power And Water Authority (PAWA)


PAWA is the utility of the Northern Territory (NT) and operates as a NT Government Business Division. PAWA is responsible for electricity (generation, transmission & distribution), water supply, sewerage and gas. Covering vast areas of outback Australia, it is ideally placed to implement renewable energy technologies. 

PAWA is represented on SolarPACES by: 

Northern Territory Centre for Energy Research (NTCER)

The Centre investigates alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind and tidal power, as well as being concerned with devising ways of making better use of power derived from more conventional sources. It is also active in the development and deployment of hybrid systems combining both traditional and alternative energy technologies ranging from a few kW to ten's of MW. 

Solar Thermal Group

Part of the Australian National University's (ANU)
Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems (ACSES).

Western Power Corporation (WPC)


Other organisations not directly included in the consortium are:

Electricity Supply Association of Australia (ESAA)

ESAA is currently acting as our "Banker" as well as providing important linkages with industry members that aren't yet members of the consortium. 

Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR)

DISR is the relevant Federal Government department looking after a number of IEA implementing agreements. 


SolarPACES International

The Australian consortium is represented at the international level of SolarPACES in the following way:
Executive Committee  Wolfgang Meike, PAWA/NTCER
Task 1 Wes Stein, PP
Task 2 Andreas Luzzi / Keith Lovegrove, ANU
Task 3 Wolfgang Meike, PAWA/NTCER

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